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10 Benefits of Ayurveda for Hair Growth

Today, many people are facing hair fall issues that can affect their confidence level as well as their personality. If you are one of them then you can use Ayurvedic oils to protect your hair because Ayurvedic oils contain vitamins, calcium, flavonoids, and other nutrients.

Ayurvedic oils contain many natural herbs, thus it does not have any side effects. Do you know what the benefits of Ayurveda for hair are? If not, then you should read the next segment of the blog.

Importance of Ayurvedic Medicine for Hair

  1. Ayurvedic medicines do not have any side effects because they use natural herbs as well as ingredients such as neem, amla, bhringraj, etc.
  2. Ayurvedic oils prevent premature hair loss and improve hair strength.
  3. Ayurvedic medicine with amla can nourish your hair roots and improves their strength as well. It also improves the volume of hair as well as reduces stress levels.
  4. If you want to decrease dandruff, you can use neem and methi oils because these oils help you to clean your scalp and decrease dandruff as well.
  5. If you are facing premature graying of hair, then you can use bhringraj oil to prevent it. 
  6. Ayurvedic medicine or oils work on the root of the problem, thus it improves the strength of bone tissues as well as the quality of hair.
  7. Stress is a major reason for hair fall. Ayurvedic medicines reduce stress, and massaging with ayurvedic oils can prevent hair fall.
  8. Ayurvedic medicine can improve hair texture, improving the quality of hair.
  9. Ayurvedic medicine contains Vitamins, protein as well as folic acid that protect us from hair problems and improve hair quality as well.
  10. Ayurvedic medicines are available at low cost. Now, many Ayurvedic stores are providing Ayurvedic medicines and oils.

What is The Importance Of Hair Care?

There are many hair care products available in the market but still, we are facing hair problems. It is because many of these products contain harmful chemicals that affect both the hair as well as the nervous systems.

On the other hand, Ayurveda hair care treatments work to the root cause of the problem. According to Ayurveda, the health of hair depends on the food we eat and on our digestive strength.

In other words, the health of the hair depends on our digestive system, heredity, stress level as well as overall living standards. So, if you want to protect your hair, then you must implement healthy dietary practices along with Ayurvedic health remedies.

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What is the Ayurvedic Perspective on Hair?

Ayurveda explains that hair is a byproduct of bone tissue, the same as nails and teeth. In addition, our hair is also linked to the nervous system as well as the gut. Healthy dietary practices help us to meet the nutritional demands of these tissues.

On the other hand, everyone’s body contains three doshas named Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. But the percentage of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha vary from body to body. These doshas decide our hair types as well. The three ayurvedic hair types are given below:

  • Healthy Vata Type Hair: This type of hair is relatively thin, but often a bit coarse. Vata-type hair may be straight as well as curly. In addition, this type of hair grows quickly and creates problems while styling.
  • Healthy Pitta-Type Hair: This type of hair is straight, soft, and predictable as well. Pitta-type hair contains moderate thickness and you can easily style it.
  • Healthy Kapha Type Hair: This type of hair is typically wavy, lustrous, full as well as strong. Kapha-type hair may be coarse and thick as well.

Common Imbalances 

You all know our body contains three doshas, such as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha in a unique ratio. If the ratio of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha deteriorates, then you may face hair-related issues. The most common imbalances are depicted below:

  1. Excess Vata can make your hair dry, frizzy, and brittle as well. It also increases the thinness of hair. In addition, excess Vata increases daily hair fallouts. And it also affects hair-growing capabilities as well.
  2. Excess Pitta increases heat in the hair follicles as well as damages the hair. It also aggravates various hair problems including premature thinning, premature graying as well as baldness.
  3. Excess Kapha increases the oiliness of hair, heaviness of hair, and thickness of hair as well.

What is The Role of Stress in Hair-Related Issues?

Stress is another factor that affects the health of hair as well, thus if you want to prevent hair-related issues, then you should use stress management techniques. Stress management techniques decrease stress levels as well as increase positivity levels.

If any person is feeling chronic stress in their life, then it also affects their overall health including hair health. The decline in health affects bone tissues, thus it causes hair-related problems.

Ayurveda’s Holistic Approach to Hair Care

You all know that Ayurveda works to cure the root cause of problems. At the time of diagnosing hair-related problems, Ayurveda provides deep nourishment to encourage the healing and regeneration of body tissues and systems.

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Many ayurvedic stores are offering healthy hair oils, shampoos as well as other medicines. After taking suggestions from an ayurvedic doctor, you can use any of them. Instead,  you can also take ayurvedic hair treatments from ayurvedic centers as well.

What are the Benefits of Tropical Hair Treatments?

Tropical hair treatments provide little extra support to the hair and scalp and improve the health of the hair as well. The benefits of topical- treatment are arranged below:

  • Just like skin, our hair and scalp can absorb moisture and nutrients that are applied topically. So, after applying oil to hair, we can prevent health-related issues.
  • The head is covert with potent energy points, thus head massage can prevent head pain as well as hair problems.
  • Nourishment techniques also improve calmness as well as strengthen hair.

How To Apply Oil To The Scalp And Hair?

You should use warm oil massage because it helps to clean and detoxify the scalp and roots. Warm oil massage also nourishes the cells as well as decreases dryness. 

You can use coconut oil as well as mustard oil as a massage oil. Do you know how to apply oil to your hair? If not, then you should read the below steps:

  • First, you should place warm oil in a bowl.
  • Then dip your figure tips in oil and apply oil on your scalp with your figure tips using a circular motion.
  • You should use the same process on the entire head including the length of the hair.
  • Then cover your hair with a towel and leave it overnight.
  • The next day, wash your hair with ayurvedic shampoo and lukewarm water.

5 Ayurveda Herbs that prevent hair problems

1. Bhringraj

Bhringraj is an Indian herb that grows in moist areas that contain vitamins, calcium, magnesium as well as iron. This oil is a very popular oil that helps us to prevent hair-related issues.

  • Bhringraj promotes hair growth and reduces hair loss.
  • It maintains the blood flow of the scalp as well as hair follicles.
  • Bhringraj activates the hair roots as well as follicles, thus it promotes natural hair growth as well.
  • It makes your hair healthy as well as shiny.

How to use: You should mix Bhringraj oil with coconut oil or sesame oil and then apply it to your scalp. It reduces stress, thus you can regularly use it.

2. Brahmi

Brahmi is also one of the best medicines that prevent health-related problems. 

  • Brahmi is a traditional Ayurvedic herb that prevents hair loss as well as follicles-related problems.
  • It contains an alkaloid that protects our hair naturally.
  • It decreases stress levels as well as improves mental ability.
  • It also heals the dry and damaged scalp.
  • Brahmi reduces stress hormones including cortisol.
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How to use:  You should add Brahmi leaves in coconut oil and boil it till it remains in half quantity. And then apply.

3. Amla 

Amla is the best source of Vitamin C. Vitamin C protects us from skin-related diseases.

  • It contains essential fatty acids and antioxidants that protect our hair follicles and also improve the hair as well.
  • It removes dandruff, grease, and dirt as well.
  • Many people are using Amla oil to increase their blood circulation.
  • Amla promotes hair growth as well.

How to use: You can take Amla juice in the morning. Instead, you can also use amla oil.

4. Fenugreek or Methi Seeds

Fenugreek or Methi Seeds is a very common spice that helps to protect us from hair-related problems.

  • It contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, protein as well as folic acid that protects us from hair problems and improves hair quality as well.
  • It contains nicotinic acid, which removes hair fall and dandruff.
  • It also provides nourishment to your hair as well.

How to use: First soak fenugreek overnight. Then grind it to a fine paste and apply it on the hair and scalp for half an hour. After 1 hour take a shampoo bath with lukewarm water. If you want to decrease hair-related problems, then you should apply this paste thrice a week.

5. Shikakai

You can use Shikakai to prevent hair-related problems. It improves the strength of hair follicles.

  • Shikakai is a natural alternative to shampoo that promotes hair growth naturally.
  • It makes your hair shiny.

How to use: You should mix Shikakai powder in coconut oil and apply this oil twice a week. You can also use it as an alternative to shampoo.


If you want to prevent hair-related problems including dandruff, hair fall grayness, etc, you should use Ayurvedic medicines. Ayurvedic medicines use natural herbs, such as neem, amla, and bhringraj as well.

Indian ayurvedic medicine works on the root of the problem and improves the strength of hair. Ayurvedic medicines contain 0% of chemicals. In addition, Ayurvedic medicines can reduce stress levels as well. For a healthy life, you can adopt healthy Ayurvedic practices in your life.