Home » Waking Up Early Without Feeling Tired: Best Steps to Follow

Waking Up Early Without Feeling Tired: Best Steps to Follow

A lot of us lead very hectic lives, and we have to wake up early for jobs, exercise, and other hobbies. Learning how to wake up and go through the day with enough energy is a task most of us fail at. Morning fatigue is something that plagues a lot of us. Some people skip their favorite activities because they feel too tired as soon as they wake up. So, what do you have to do to get rid of the morning fatigue and not crawl back into your bed?

Well, the simple answer is to get up from bed, drink some water, get into the sunlight, and leave your bedroom as quickly as possible. One of the biggest reasons why people crawl back into their beds is that they see a comfortable bed close to them. Feeling tired and working for the next 8-9 hours of the day can put a damper on your efficiency and affect your mood.

Fortunately for you, we have compiled a list of some methods that you can follow to wake up early and not feel tired. How you sleep and the kind of mattress you chose plays a huge role in the sleep quality and how rested you wake up.

What’s Morning Fatigue?

Morning fatigue is something all of us have experienced at least once. You feel tired and lethargic as soon as you wake up. Some days you don’t feel like even getting out of bed. Feeling dizzy and confused is common after waking up and it’s just the brain waking up from its sleepy time.

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Let’s say that you wake up feeling tired but are fine throughout the day or if you experience tiredness throughout the day and feel better after a good sleep then you don’t have to worry about anything. It’s something millions suffer every day from. 

Sleep Inertia: Does it Cause Morning Sickness?

Sleep inertia is your brain’s way of trying to get you back to sleep. Throughout the night, there are multiple cycles of sleep a person goes through. Where in the sleep cycle you wake up plays a vital role in how you feel. 

If you suddenly wake up from the lightest stage of sleep, you are pretty much conscious and you’ll feel fresh and awake. If you wake during a deeper cycle of sleep, you’ll feel much dizzy and confused. This is basically known as sleep inertia, when you wake up during the deepest cycle, your brain will try to get you back to sleep.

How to Wake Up Not Feeling Tired?

1. Make Your Bedroom Perfect for Sleeping

To sleep as quickly and peacefully as possible, ensure that your bedroom is set up for sleep. One of the first steps you need to take is to ban screens from your bedroom. If you have to take your phone into the bedroom for alarms, then make a habit not to use the phone while you’re in the bed. Also, implement night light settings an hour before you go to bed.

Your room should be dark, should have a good temperature, and leave your devices out of the bedroom. Your bedroom should give you an idea of sleep, try to create an environment that reminds your brain of sleep.

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2. Fix a Sleep Schedule

According to various sleep doctors, having a strict and fixed sleeping schedule helps you get better quality sleep. If you want to avoid twisting and turning in your bed for hours, trying to get to sleep then make a schedule. Try your best to sleep at a fixed time and wake up at the same time every day. 

3. Keep a Track of Caffeine

It’s common sense that you should avoid coffee, energy drinks, or any other type of stimulant if you wish to sleep with ease. A high dose of nicotine also affects the quality of your sleep, ensuring that you avoid nicotine too.

Stimulants of all kinds like tea, coffee, and cigarettes affect your sleep. If you’re on any kind of sleeping pills, then you shouldn’t make them a habit. Having alcohol right before you go to bed also leads to broken sleep throughout the night. Avoid all these and it should be fairly easy to get a good night’s sleep. 

4. Make a Habit of Exercising Daily

Ever noticed that you get an amazing sleep on the day you had a great workout? Regular exercise can improve the quality of sleep. If you don’t exercise, try to make a habit of it. While a lot of people believe that doing exercise in the later parts of the day isn’t ideal, studies have found that the quality of sleep isn’t affected when you work out.

Experiment with different workout timings and find out which sleep schedule works the best for you. The main point is to do at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. You can take help from any fitness or workout app for your daily workout routine.

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5. Get a Good Start for Your Day

Yes, it is crucial to building a sleep pattern for yourself, but waking up on time is more important than sleeping on time. You need to ensure that you wake up at the same time every day and get out of your bedroom as soon as possible.

Spend some time getting sunlight and if you have the time, try going for an early morning walk. Getting a good start for your day can affect your mood and how you spend the whole day.