Instagram is fun. If there’s something most users would agree on, it’s that Instagram offers a lot of fun activities to do. If you want to share that experience with all your loved ones, then you can follow your phone contacts. Let’s say you want your friends and family to be connected with you on Instagram, you need to find them first.
If you don’t know how to do it already, then here’s a guide to help you find your contacts on Instagram. Read till the end and follow all the steps. This will allow you to get in touch with your contacts on Instagram.
How To Find Your Contacts On Instagram?
While the process of finding contacts on Instagram is pretty easy, most people don’t know about it. The steps are pretty easy to follow, so follow these steps:
- Open your Instagram app, and log in to your profile if you haven’t logged in already.
- Once you’ve logged in, go to your profile.
- Go to the Discover people option, and go through the list of recommended Contacts. Click on the Follow button under the profile. If you want to explore more Contacts, then click on the “See All” button.
- If your Instagram app asks for it, click on the Allow Access button. This will provide your Instagram app access to your device’s contacts. If you don’t find the access to device’s contacts, you won’t be able to see your contacts on the app.
- In the next step, click on Follow under a Contact’s name if you want to follow them. You’ll also see another option named “Connect,” if you click on it, you’ll be able to connect your Instagram profile with your Facebook profile.
- It will show the Following button under the person’s name if he/she has accepted your request.
- It will show the Requested button if you followed someone and their reply is pending.
How to Search For People On Instagram?
It is also possible to find a profile of someone who is not saved in your contact list. Here are the steps given below to find contacts that are not saved in your contact list:
- Click the Magnifying Glass icon in your Instagram app.
- Then click on the Search bar.
- Finally, enter the name of the person you want to find. A list of profiles will appear. If you find the profile of the person you’re searching for, click on their profile. If you’re unable to find them, click on See all results.
How to Manage Contacts On The Instagram Website?
If you’re using Instagram on a desktop or laptop, then you won’t be able to use the Discover feature to find people. You can still search for people and follow those who show up in your recommended list.
- Select the search bar on the home page or select See all under the Suggestions for your option.
- If you don’t want your Instagram and your Contacts synced with each other, then you can also delete your synced contacts using the website.
- Follow these steps to delete your contact: Profile icon > Settings > Manage Contacts
- How To Delete Or Disconnect Contacts From Instagram?
In the Instagram app, select your Profile picture > More > Settings > Account > Contacts Syncing and turn off the switch. Alternatively, you can remove permission from the phone’s settings app.
- How do I stop my contacts from finding me on Instagram?
If you are on anyone’s contact list you can not restrict them from finding you. But you can control your Instagram feed by making it private.