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How Does Plagiarism Affect Your SEO?

With digital marketing currently in trend, it has become mandatory for businesses to have a solid online presence. And staying on top of search engine results will significantly help increase your brand’s online presence. This is one of the reasons why every business aims to improve its search engine ranking. You can use many ways to improve your search engine ranking, but content marketing is one of the most widely used methods. 

In content marketing, you use articles that will bring users to your website. When you drive more traffic to your website, you are getting your website to the top of the search engine ranking. But to get the audience to your website, you need to give them quality and valuable content. A good content writer can deliver articles that will bring your target audience to your brand’s website, improving its ranking; this is called SEO or Search Engine Optimization.

Unfortunately, certain factors affect SEO, thereby not giving you the best results. One such factor is plagiarism, so always ensure that your content is free of plagiarism. You can use the free plagiarism checker online to deliver plagiarism-free content and get ranked in the search engine.

Why is SEO important? 

SEO helps you understand the algorithm of the search engine, so optimizing your content by the search engine’s algorithm increases the chances of your content getting a higher ranking. You can also find keywords that the users are searching for with the help of SEO and use them in your content. So, to improve your website’s ranking and increase your business’s online presence, you must give SEO importance. But, when your website is filled with plagiarised content, you will not get the benefits that SEO brings to other websites, affecting its performance. 

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How Does Plagiarism Affect Your SEO? 

Plagiarism occurs when you copy another author’s content and use it as your own. But how does it exactly affect your SEO performance? Read further to find out. 

1. Affects the Quality of Your Content 

Users often use search engines to find content that will help them out. But when you plagiarise your content, the audience might have already read it on another website, and your content will not have any value. So, when your content is plagiarised, you are not giving your audience what they require. This affects the quality of your content and the reputation of your website. 

2. Reduces Website Traffic 

As mentioned above, when your website provides plagiarised content to the audience, they will avoid visiting it. Plagiarism makes your website an unreliable source for the audience, and people will return to it only if they find it useful. So plagiarism will reduce your website’s traffic, affecting your SEO performance. 

3. Search Engine Penalty

Plagiarism can result in search engine penalties. No, your website will not be given any fines for plagiarism, but they can bring down your ranking. Nowadays, search engines are very advanced and can easily identify if your content has been plagiarised. The search engines then drastically reduce the ranking of such websites, making it difficult for audiences to find your website. 

How do You Avoid Plagiarism?

The internet is now filled with numerous articles, making avoiding plagiarism challenging, but it is not impossible. Are you finding it difficult to deliver plagiarism-free content? We have a few tips that will surely help you out.

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1. Expand Your Knowledge

This step can ensure that you do not plagiarise your content. When you expand your knowledge about the content, you will not even feel the need to plagiarise. Because plagiarism occurs when you don’t know enough about the topic, and so you use other’s content to write about it. By expanding your knowledge, you can easily give your points on the topic, thereby avoiding plagiarism.

2. Use Multiple Resources

Always check out multiple resources before you start writing any content. When you only rely on a few sources for your article, there is a high chance that you will end up plagiarising the content. Using limited resources is the main reason for accidental plagiarism. You can try any free plagiarism detector tools to ensure that there is no accidental plagiarism in your content.

3. Use a Reliable Paraphrasing Tool

Paraphrasing is the most widely used method for avoiding plagiarism. But you should not rewrite an entire article and call it your own work. Instead, you should only use the article as an inspiration for your content and explain it in your own words. Currently, many online tools can help you rewrite the content but ensure that it is reliable. You can also make use of synonyms to avoid plagiarism in your content. 

4. Don’t Miss Out on Quotations and Citations  

In a few cases, the original text might be best as it is, and sometimes the content’s meaning might change if you alter it. In such situations, you have no choice but to use the other author’s content. So, to avoid plagiarism, you should use quotes for the borrowed content and cite the original work. Search engines do not consider quoted content plagiarised, so it will not affect your SEO. 

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5. Get Creative With Your Ideas

You don’t have to give your audience the same points that everyone else is giving. So, get creative with your ideas. Think about what other information you can provide your readers that is unique. By including your unique ideas in the content, you deliver original content to the readers. Moreover, when you give your audience something new, they will prefer your website as they find your content valuable. This will also help drive huge traffic to your website and improve its ranking in the search engine.  

6. Use Plagiarism Checkers 

A plagiarism checker is a writer’s best friend, as they can benefit from using them. The tools can thoroughly check your content for plagiarism which is not otherwise possible, and also shows you the sites you have plagiarised from. So, you can rewrite the plagiarised content or add citations if you have missed them. Using a plagiarism checker is the most accurate way to check the authenticity of your content. You can try using the Plagiarism tool to enhance your SEO with plagiarism-free content.

To Conclude 

If you have been optimizing your website according to all the SEO rules and yet not getting the desired results, you might have to check out plagiarism. Avoiding it can have many benefits, as seen above, for your website. Try out our tips to easily prevent plagiarism in your content and thereby leverage SEO to its full potential.