Home » Increase Family Bonding by Playing these 6 Board Games this Holiday Season

Increase Family Bonding by Playing these 6 Board Games this Holiday Season

Nowadays, it seems like everyone’s family is hustling, dealing, and trying to fight with day to day madness life brings along with it in the form of work, school, and everyday chores – which barely gives the family members time to sit together at the end of the day and scarf down some dinner!

If you are feeling a strong, relatable connection with the scenario mentioned above, you surely are at the right place. After digging the entire internet, our experts have found the right solution for you – which is none other than super catchy “board games.”

Many people think board games are pretty outdated, but this isn’t really the case. A classic family board game comprises the power to pause the busy life of all family members for the time being and make room for cherishable memories that will surely last a lifetime.

It feels good to get your hands on a board game that provides a great way to spend your evening profoundly and focus on enhancing the bond between family members.  

In this guide, we have listed many board games, each one of which comes in handy with unique perks of their own that can only be discovered by giving these board games a shot.

With that being said, read on to unleash what these board games are capable of and retrieve the “spark” that has been missing from your family for a long time now!

1. Backgammon

If your family is the one that is attracted to the classic abstract strategy board games, then introducing them to Backgammon this holiday season might be the best thing that you can ever do for them.

First thing first, Backgammon is one of the games that dates back thousands of years. Moreover, this might be the very first game to be mentioned in written history, 5000 years back in the era of Sumerian of ancient Mesopotamia.

Having a solid historical background, this game, too, comes in handy with an easy set of regulations. Each player in this game is distributed with a group of 15 men, and the task is to move all of them from the starting position.

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On their way, the player has to tackle exciting challenges. The one who would be able to move all of his 15 men from one corner to another would be the winner – which the right strategy can only do, and of course when your luck is with you!

In a review of Unlimited gamez Mo, Backgammon was said to be among the games played the most worldwide.

With stating the fact above, we believe that now you must have realized the actual worth this board game comes in handy with – so what more could you possibly desire? Try this board game now!

2. Labyrinth

Do you belong to a family who is quite a fan of the famous Hollywood blockbuster movies like Lord of the Rings and The never-ending story? Then a Labyrinth board game can be the perfect pick for you.

This board game is based on a true story that leads the players to the quotations from the movies mentioned above. The reference might be the pieces, theme, or quest-style action the games come with, but the thing that matters the most is that this game enriches the thrill and fun – just like the movies used to do!

Having this game by your side also distanced the struggle of understanding this masterpiece. Coming with an easy set of rules and regulations, getting started with this board game is super easy.

Having said that, give this game a shot and play it for a while; you might catch yourself quoting Shrek! 

3. Trivia: Classic Family board game

Ever found yourself caught up in the crossfire of your family members quarreling over who’s good at board games? Then putting their skills to the test with a Trivia classic family board game might be the best option you may have on your hand.

This hilarious board game would indeed surround you in an atmosphere filled with challenges and daring wagers that players have to meet within the game.

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You may find it even more interesting when we will make you aware of the fact that this board game also goes by the name of “beat the parents,” – which clearly means that while playing this game, it would be children against their parents.

Just wonder how much fun it would be to battle against the parents in a board game! Having said that, you surely need to try this board game for once!  

4. 7 Wonders Board Game

According to the research of our experts, the family board game that tends to be the best ever to hit the market is none other than “7 wonder board game”.

Many families include children that are incapable of participating in and playing complicated board games. Considering this factor, we think that a seven wonders board game might be the best thing in hand for a family with small children.

In this game, you would witness yourself struggling with creating and building up an entire civilization – that too from scratch with the help of the cards and the board itself.

This board game puts your strategy skills to the test and makes the players restless in the urge to get done with this game as soon as possible.

For spending a quality Saturday family game night, playing this board game might prove to enrich your day with limitless fun! 

5. Brain Freeze

As interesting as the name of this board game sounds, you would indeed find yourself witnessing the literal meaning of the name of this game implying in your head.

For the people who simply love to put their brains to the test, or are fond of playing board games at a higher difficulty rate, then Brain freeze would indeed prove to be the best board game you may have ever played.

If you think that playing this game would be like every other board game, then we will suggest you put a full stop to your thinking. In order to ace this game, a little bit of deception and a whole free space in the brain are the topmost requirements.

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Among the list of popular games brain freeze happens to hold quite a good position – now it must be super clear about the experience the family may receive after signing up for the challenge this board game brings!

6. Spontaneous Board Game

Last but not least, allow us to introduce you to the game that is classified as one of the traditional ones in the history of board games – which is none other than spontaneous board games.

While having this board game around, one thing is sure to happen, and that is that everyone in your family would have a goofy night full of fun.

But the part that led this game to secure a position in our guide is that this game doubles the opportunity for the kids in your family to build and enhance their confidence and allow them to be more expressive, creative, and mentally strong!

For a game like this that is filled up with countless fruitful advantages – that too with providing a thoroughly entertaining evening package, we can only wonder why anyone will say no to this masterpiece!

Final Word

Since the day we stepped into the electronic world, everything seems to have taken a drastic change.

Lately, everyone happens to be caught up in commitments of their own that keep their life on a constant run and steal away the time that needs to be given to the family.

Considering this severe drawback, our experts feel that board games can play a critical role in hitting the pause button in the busy life of people, and provide them with an opportunity to have fun together, just like in the old times!

With that being said, we believe that the options we have narrowed down above would indeed prove to be fruitful for you and would allow you to fill up your memory with some more memorable events!